
What is a table?

In Brinkee, as in most databases, records of the same type are organized into a group known as a table. A table is similar to a spreadsheet, but with predefined columns, also known as fields.

Your end-users do not have to concern themselves with the information on these pages, this is solely for administrators or developers.

Naming conventions

Table names can only contain the characters [a-z] (only lowercase) or digits [0-9], but cannot start or end with a digit. Spaces or hyphens are not supported, and an underscore should be used instead.

Table names in Brinkee should always be singular. This is a much debated issue among engineers, but not something we want to get into here. We highly encourage you to follow this guideline when creating custom tables, as this will greatly improve the developer experience for anyone else working with your system later on.

For special cases where a singular form of a word does not exist by itself (for example the word news), we suggest adding a second word that does have a singular form (for example the word item). This gives you a singular table name in line with our guidelines (in this case news_item).

NB: All solutions in the Brinkee Marketplace follow these naming conventions by default.

Custom Tables

Brinkee comes pre-installed with tables that are required for the core platform to run. All other tables that are not part of the platform core are called custom tables. New tables can easily be added from the marketplace, or using the table designer.

All custom tables in Brinkee are prefixed with the ct_ prefix. This distinction has been made for security considerations and this behaviour cannot be changed.