

In order to help you find your way around the Brinkee platform as wel as our documentation site, we’ve prepared a list of definitions and concepts that should simplify that. Whether you are a new user or a seasoned pro, the content on this page will help you get a better understanding of Brinkee and the definitions and concepts required to get the most value out of your platform.


Users are individuals who use the Brinkee platform on a device such as a computer or mobile device. Users can login to Brinkee using their email address and password, or (if configured) using your company’s Single Sign-On (SSO) solution.

The Brinkee pricing model is based on the number of active users in your system. We recommend to not delete users in your system, but rather keep them deactivated. You won’t be billed for deactivated users, but you will keep the audit trail in tact.


Groups allow you to logically organize multiple users with similar attributes or characteristics. Groups can be used to identify users that work in the same department, that are based in the same location, or that need access to similar parts of the system. It’s very common for a user to be part of multiple groups.

Group types

Brinkee comes pre-installed with 3 default group types: Department, Location and Group. You can add additional group types to distinguish between different kinds of groupings depending on your business requirements.


What you can do inside Brinkee is primarily controlled by the roles you have. Roles determine what parts of the system you can access, and what actions you can perform in these parts of the system. Roles can be assigned to your individual user, but may also be inherited from groups that you’re a part of.

Keep in mind that roles are one of the most common ways to control access in Brinkee, but it is not the only way. More on this later.


Records are the name we use for entries anywhere in the Brinkee system. It’s comparable to a row in a spreadsheet, but better and many times more powerful: Records can be linked to eachother, can have files attached to them, and all records keep track of who created or updated them.

Just to make sure we’re on same page: every part of Brinkee is a record. That includes users, roles and groups as well more technical concepts explained in other sections of the documentation.